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Friday, February 11, 2011

A fast non-drug remedy for flu

IS IT SOOOO SIMPLE ???A fast non-drug remedy for flu:-

Before onset of flu, and while experiencing pre-flu symptoms like headache, running nose & sneezing, drink 2 to 3 cups of hot water.

Wait for 3 to 5 minutes, then drink a cup of hot coffee.

You would want to urinate in 2 to 3 minutes.

Surprisingly after that, all flu symptoms will disappear. Coffee is a diuretic. It removes water from the body, and in the process, flushes out all the virus trapped inside the body.

下次感冒初期,不妨試試! 無害。可以很快使感冒或頭痛不再繼續惡化!如果你感覺到已經開始流鼻水、連續打噴嚏、有點頭痛,就快要感冒了!趕緊先喝兩、三杯熱開水(不可以喝冰的 ) 。等三、五分鐘,再沖一杯咖啡,一定要熱的喝才有效( 不可冰)。二、三十分鐘以後,咖啡和先前喝的開水會讓你要尿尿。而且,很神奇的,流鼻水、打噴嚏、頭痛都慢慢不見了!想知道為什麼這麼好用?一、咖啡可以讓你加速排尿。加上先喝的開水,可以把已經侵入繁殖的病毒,從身體裡「洗」掉大部分。二、咖啡有提神、興奮的作用,會讓你低迷不振的免疫功能提振起來。病毒從尿尿排掉了一部分,免疫功能又加強了,感冒繼續惡化的可能當然降低不少。

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